Thursday, October 24, 2013


Thaniel Charles Edward Rent (who your father wouldn't let me re-work my all time favorite boy name, Nathaniel,  into a name beginning with the letter "T" as it were, T'nathan) turned 3 years old back in August!! I can't believe it!! My baby isn't a baby anymore :(

I think he had a lovely time though.  He had a gathering on his birthday while we were in Indianapolis; visiting his grandparents, and treating ourselves to a sort of one day hotel vacation.  This was a second, and somewhat impromptu party- and most our family couldn't be there.  But our great faithful friends, The Dixon's, showed up like they always do- and warmed our hearts.  

All I wanted to do was create a moment when we could present Than with a candle topped cake and a birthday song.  His two favorite things about birthdays.  Blowing out candles is his most favorite.

At 3 years old-- I don't think the little ones notice any of the things that we mommies notice, nor do they have any idea that we have cringe moments because we wished something or another had gone differently.  So once I force my perspective to come from his angle, I can see that he feels loved, and that he had an absolute fine time... 
And now--- I'm just fine with that!  He is truly a lovely boy